Romances by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sergei Raсhmaninoff

Romances by Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sergei Raсhmaninoff

Concert in two parts

Original musical version by: Evgeny Kolobov

Conductor: Dmitry Volosnikov

Choirmaster: Yulia Senyukova

Stage Director: Alexey Veiro

The Epiphany Festival at the Novaya Opera
January 19 – 30, 2021

The genius of the outstanding conductor Evgeny Kolobov was very versatile: an unrivaled music interpreter and a connoisseur of musical culture, he knew the particularities of the orchestra sound very well and was a master of orchestration.

Evgeny Kolobov thought out a dramatic composition that includes chamber works by two great classical composers – Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Sergei Rachmaninoff – and created original orchestrations of the vocal miniatures. The first cycle, The Autumn Song (Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s romances),is a sort of narrative about one’s life, his way from the hopes of youth to the bitter disillusion of the maturity, a poignant confession of a lonely soul. The second cycle, Lilacs (Sergei Rachmaninoff’s romances),reveals one’s personality in the philosophical comprehension of God, life, death, the world of nature and tender love for Russia.




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