The Ebony. Steps Barefoot

The Ebony. Steps Barefoot

Chamber Choir Concert

Novaya Opera Chamber Choir

Choirmaster: Yulia Senyukova

Stage Director: Alexey Veiro

Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes with no intermission

Premiered on 28 May 2013

Recommended for 12+

Achorus performance The Ebony. Steps Barefoot has emerged from the concert of the Kolobov Novaya Opera Chamber Choir. Stage director Aleksey Veiro defines this genre as a performance without a performance. This is an illusion of home music playing and singing for themselves. The performance is based on spirituals (religious songs and hymns of African-Americans) in all their diversity. The concert comprises the famous composer Moses Hogan’s arrangments and African songs from the repertoire of the internationally acclaimed Robert Shaw Chorale.

Upcoming Dates:

2025 10april

The Ebony. Steps Barefoot

Chamber Choir ConcertStart at 19:00



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